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Caring for Your Formal Wear During The Holidays

Local Dry Cleaner in Farragut

It’s that time of year again when the invites to parties, dinners and other special occasions start rolling in. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are the perfect opportunities to get dressed up to the nines! Your local dry cleaner in Farragut can help you ensure your formal wear is in excellent condition so that you look your best.

Check out these helpful tips for caring for your formal wear to keep it looking great for longer.

Take Care When Wearing Formal Wear

The important thing to remember about formal wear is that it is usually more expensive than the garments in your day-to-day wardrobe. This means we need to take better care of it! There are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind while wearing your formal attire to help it last longer.

  • Start by choosing your accessories carefully. Avoid any items that are likely to snag your clothing or leave marks on it. For example, if your gown has some beading or lace detailing, you will want to avoid jewelry that might catch on these embellishments and be mindful of any ornamentations on your purse that might snag as well.
  • Apply cosmetics, including makeup, deodorant, hairspray, cologne, and moisturizers, a few hours before you get dressed. This will allow them to dry completely, helping to avoid stains on your clothing.
  • If you spill something while out, don’t be tempted to scrub at the stain. It is also wise to avoid any remedies other guests may recommend , as you could end up setting the stain or damaging the fabric. The best action is to blot the area dry with a clean white cloth carefully, then take it to your local dry cleaner in Farragut the following day - or as soon as possible.

Let’s Talk About After Care!

Another essential part of keeping your formal wear in excellent condition is to follow an aftercare routine each time you wear it. Let’s look at some of these steps and how your local dry cleaner in Farragut can help you with them.

  • Pay attention to the label. If it says "dry clean only" , don’t be tempted to clean it at home. Ultimately, it could shorten the life of your garment or ruin it completely!
  • It is important to clean your formal gown, suit, or tuxedo immediately after wearing it, even if you haven’t noticed any spills or staining. Since formal wear tends to be stored for extended periods between events, it must be cleaned before being packed away. If not, any unnoticed stains will oxidize, leaving a permanent mark on the fabric. In addition, if there are any body oils or sweat on the material, it could attract pests, including moths. It is best to have your formal wear cleaned at your local dry cleaner in Farragut before putting it away for the next big event.
  • Please don’t keep your suit in the plastic garment bag your dry cleaner returned it in. These can trap moisture leading to mold and mildew. Remove it immediately and place the suit in a breathable garment bag. If no garment bag is available, you can cover it with a clean white sheet to protect it from dust and the harmful effects of the sun.
  • When choosing where to store your formal wear, you will want somewhere cool with good ventilation. It should also be away from both natural and artificial light, which could cause discoloration of the fabric.

Why Dry Clean Your Formal Wear?

With so much on your to do list over the holiday season, adding an extra trip to the local dry cleaner in Farragut is the last thing you need. However, it saves you time! If you attempted to wash your formal wear at home, you would likely have to first treat any stains and carefully hand wash them. Even then, you still run the risk of damaging the item. This will leave you with a rush to replace it if you still have parties and events to attend. That trip to the local dry cleaner in Farragut seems much less time-consuming now. You can also have the peace of mind that your garment will be professionally cleaned and returned to you in perfect condition.


Farragut Cleaners is your locally owned and operated full-service dry cleaner. From dry cleaning to alterations and wedding dress preservation to home textiles, we are here to keep you fresh, clean, and looking & feeling impeccable.

Call 865-966-9414 or visit our website.