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The Benefits of Cleaning Home Textiles


No matter how fastidious you are, things in your house can turn stale, sour, or appear old and used before its time. Sure, grabbing the duster or rag wipes has surfaces clean. And yes, running the vacuum, or even using a rug scrubber, will refresh your carpet. But, what about all the other soft items scattered throughout your home? Go through a tour of your house and take stock of all the things made of fabric that you don’t regularly wash… we’re talking about home textiles.

Even things some people think are regularly washed, like bulky and cumbersome comforters, don’t see a bath very often. Farragut Dry Cleaners doesn’t clean just your clothes, but did you know we also dry clean home textiles? When you’re living day in and day out in the same space, home textiles tend to become like furniture in a way. Take stock of what’s around your home and talk to Farragut Dry Cleaners to give it a try. There are many benefits to doing so.

Why Bother?

After a formal event such as a prom or even a fancy night on the town, rushing your dirty duds to a place like Farragut Dry Cleaners may be considered common sense. It may not enter your mind when thinking about your curtains, table cloths, linens, or even comforters. Consider scheduling a weekend to gather up all the random dry-clean only fabrics in your house to bring them in for service. By dry cleaning these items –

  • Refreshing scent. They’ll freshen up a no longer hold the stale lived-in smell they’ve been harboring.
  • Odors. Calling Farragut Dry Cleaners becomes even more of a benefit if your home textiles reside around constant smoke or even other odors. Fabrics like to suck in their surroundings… specifically the smells that circulate your home.
  • Stains. Remember that mouthful of wine you spit out during your last dinner party? When your laughter projected droplets of red wine onto your curtains? Why not see if that story resides only in your memory and not as a stain on your fabrics.
  • Retain original state. In other words, by taking your fabrics to Farragut Dry Cleaners, rest assured they won’t undergo incorrectly-chosen wash cycles and wind up shrinking or mis-forming. So then next time you unfold your tablecloth for a holiday meal, you won’t find it too short to fit over the entire table.
  • Countless other general benefits. Preservation, restoration, repairs, addressing yellowing, and simply convenience at a high quality round out the list of benefits.

Consider the Fabrics

Just remember that home textiles aren’t exactly like the wash and wear cotton tee shirts jammed in your dresser drawers. All the tags popping off of your textiles outline the washing recommendations. It’s likely by reviewing them you’ll notice that the fabrics warrant a dry cleaning service from a place like Farragut Dry Cleaners. So, what would you normally see on some of these items?

  • Comforters. These are complex beings when it comes to fabric! Comforters can be made withThese are complex beings when it comes to fabric! Comforters can be made with cotton, wool, silk, down, and even fur. You may see polyester betting fluffing up your cozy comforter. They can be bulky and difficult to cram into the washer and contain materials that aren’t best washed at home.
  • Curtains. Those strips of fabric that cover and accentuate your windows can be sewn or created with a variety of materials. cotton, wool, silk, down, and even fur. You may see polyester betting fluffing up your cozy comforter. They can be bulky and difficult to cram into the washer and contain materials that aren’t best washed at home.
  • Table cloths / table linens. Tablecloths and table linens are a beast of their own. Often seen in restaurants, they’re a staple in most homes. Just take a look at all the options that can be used for this type of textile. Regardless of what comprises your linens, Farragut Dry Cleaners will take care of it for you.
  • Sofa covers. You park yourself on your sofa day in and day out. Your family pets probably place their dirty paws all over the fabric. What animal doesn’t love coming in after a rainstorm to shake the wet and muck off on the furniture? Slipcovers consist of countless options but most would likely need a good dry cleaning to restore them back to pre-critter, pre-kid, (and even pre-you) days.

Now that you know what makes up all the soft fabrics sitting in probably every room of your home and the benefits of dry cleaning, the next step is to call Farragut Dry Cleaners. If you place your home textiles in our care, we’ll be sure to refresh, and return them in a clean, new, and revived state!


Farragut Cleaners is your locally owned and operated full-service dry cleaner. From dry cleaning to alterations and wedding dress preservation to home textiles, we are here to keep you fresh, clean, and looking & feeling impeccable.

Call 865-966-9414 or visit our website.