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Your Ultimate Fall Cleaning Checklist


Fall is officially here, and it is time for a seasonal refresh at home! Spring might be the season that is more commonly known for cleaning, but Fall is a great time to take care of some of the chores you have been putting off and get your home ready for the colder nights ahead. We are about to head into that busy time of year with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year on the horizon, so it is better to get it done now before the extra to-do lists mount up. Take a look at our ultimate Fall checklist and learn what your local dry cleaner in Farragut can do to help lighten your load.

1 - Clean & Store Your Outdoor Furniture

If you have an outdoor living space, you may want to put your furniture into storage as we approach Winter to protect it from storms. It is always a good idea to give it a deep clean before putting it into storage to avoid any deterioration or staining while it is in storage for the next few months. If you have any soft furnishing on your outdoor furniture, such as cushions or textile covers, it is also a good idea to clean those to ensure they stay fresh and don’t attract insects while in storage. Take your chair covers and cushion pads to your local dry cleaner in Farragut for professional cleaning.

2 - Wash The Windows - Inside & Out

Fall is an excellent time to ensure your windows are washed inside and out, especially if you have also been doing household chores like cleaning the gutters, which may have resulted in dirt and debris falling on the windows. Ensure you clear away insects, spiderwebs, and other debris from the exterior of the frame to avoid rot. If you usually install storm shutters or winterize the windows, it is a good time to multitask and clean them as you go. While you are getting the window panes and surround sparkly clean, why not clean the curtains too? We often forget to wash curtains, but they can harbor various odors and bacteria. Your local dry cleaner in Farragut can clean your curtains and have them ready to rehang in no time. Every six months is about the correct frequency for cleaning your curtains.

3 - Switch Out Your Seasonal Bedding

While you are giving your bedrooms a deep clean in preparation for Fall and Winter, you may be swapping out your more lightweight comforters and blankets for heavier ones to keep you cozy on colder nights. It is a good idea to take the ones you have removed to your local dry cleaner in Farragut for professional cleaning. Washing a comforter in a residential washer can be tricky, but dry cleaners can easily handle these bulky items. It is also a great time to ensure your extra bedding is fresh and clean if you will welcome guests over the upcoming holiday season. While we are sorting through all that bedding, maybe you want to pull out a few extra blankets and throws on hand for a cozy movie night? These can also be taken to your local dry cleaner in Farragut to ensure they are fresh and clean after coming out of storage.

4 - Put Your Summer Wardrobe Into Storage

As the weather begins to cool off, you will also want to rotate your Summer wardrobe for your Fall pieces. Pull out those Summer garments and have them professionally dry-cleaned before putting them into storage until Spring rolls around once again. This is also an excellent time to sell, throw away, or donate unwanted items you will not wear again at any time in the future. It may seem odd to dry clean clothing that you will not be wearing for 4-6 months, but there are a few good reasons to do so before storing them.

  • Helps Prevent Permanent Stains & Discoloration - Believe it or not, your clothing could have stains that you cannot see with the naked eye. If these are left untreated while your Summer wardrobe is in storage, it could result in discoloration and odor, which will be noticeable when you pull them out of storage in a few months. You can avoid this by having them dry-cleaned before putting them into storage.
  • Keeps Clothing Smelling Fresh - As mentioned above, storing clothing without dry cleaning it first can result in unpleasant odors. Having them cleaned first ensures they come back out of storage smelling fresh instead of musty!
  • Helps to Deter Insects - If your clothing is put into storage without being dry cleaned first, it could attract insects looking for shelter and food. Moths and Silverfish can chew through your favorite garments, leaving you a nasty surprise when unpacking the clothing again in Spring. Not only will your local dry cleaner in Farragut be able to remove any sweat or food stains that might lure these critters in, but the dry cleaning process can also remove any eggs lurking in the fabric.

5 - Check Over Your Formal Wear & Winter Coats

While swapping those Summer clothes for Fall and Winter ones, take the opportunity to look over your warmer coats and jackets and your formal wear. As the holiday season approaches, you are likely to start getting invites to parties, dinners, and other events. You won’t want to get caught short, so look for damage or stains now so you can have them cleaned or repaired at your local dry cleaner in Farragut. The same goes for your Winter coats. Make sure they are fresh, clean, and ready to wear.


Farragut Cleaners is your locally owned and operated full-service dry cleaner. From dry cleaning to alterations and wedding dress preservation to home textiles, we are here to keep you fresh, clean, and looking & feeling impeccable.

Call 865-966-9414 or visit our website.